About ForeverGirl

In the beginning, it wasn't even called ForeverGirl. It was called "A Girls' World" and it was a genius idea that I had. Elyse and I were reaching the end of 5th grade. We were looking for a good magazine to read at the store but couldn't find one. I had always loved magazines, but none of them had everything. I wanted fashion, book reviews, and serious articles, but none of the magazines (that I was allowed to read) had all of that. So I talked to Elyse ("hey, what if we made our own magazine?") and "A Girls' World" was born. We made 2 issues (that were a little rough) and we printed them out and gave them to our friends. Printing was really tough. Elyse even missed our 5th grade graduation party to print out 30 copies of the first issue! We sat in our offices just printing and organizing for hours! To our disappointment, in the middle of 6th grade we found that another magazine had the name "A Girls' World". Not wanting to copy, I called her. We named it "ForeverGirl" and have been making magazines ever since. We do it online now because it is a lot more eco-friendly and easier! Elyse and I plan to keep going as long as we can but we can't do it without you. Tell everybody about ForeverGirl and spread the word. Please email us and tell us what you think at forevergirlmag@gmail.com.

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