Be In Our Magazine!

We love writing ForeverGirl but we couldn't do it without you! We need your help. If you are between the ages of 8 and 14, email us. Below we have the features you can currently be a part of.

-Ask Jordan
-You Say
-Get The Look
-Poetry Page

If you would like to ask a Jordan question, email it to us.
If you would like to be part of "You Say" download the current issue and find the question. Email us your answer, name, and age.
If you would like to be featured in "Get the Look" email us 3 words that describe your style, 3 pictures of you in your favorite outfits (include at least 1 full length), things you think we should know about your style for the article, and your name.
If you would like to have your poem featured on the Poetry Page, email us your poem with your name.


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